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Safety Policy





Cleaning &


Baby with Stethoscope

COVID-19 Policy

Health and safety are the highest priority at BabyFe. We know that learning cannot occur if children don't feel well or safe. BabyFe complies with the guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control and governing officials.  Please click here to read more.

Home School

Social Distancing

From drop-off to pick-up, we take every necessary precaution to keep your family safe. Our digital sign-in and sign-out procedures allows drop-off and pick-up to be safe and swift. All individuals in the center over 2 years old are required to wear a mask. At nap time, cots are configured head-to-toe for a safe-distancing slumber.

Toddler Playing

Health Monitoring
Every classroom is equipped with a forehead scanning thermometer. Children are required to have their temperature checked twice daily- upon arrival and at lunch. No individuals displaying symptoms will be admitted in the building. A designated space is reserved in the center for children displaying symptoms of any contagious illness. All of our staff is vaccinated.

Washing Hands

Cleaning & Sanitizing
Proper hand washing techniques are taught and practiced in every classroom in the center. Children are given an opportunity to wash their hands before starting a new activity. If a toy is mouthed by a child, the toy is promptly removed from the play space and sanitized. We perform center-wide deep cleaning 5 days per week.

Health Monitoring
Social Distancing
Safety Policy
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